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May 02, 2024
2 min read

My iPhone Fell and Caught Fire

An iPhone fell, overheated, and caught fire, leaving its owner without a smartphone.

Burned iPhone

It was a typical Thursday morning, May 2, 2024, and I was learning to use Docker at the office. My iPhone suddenly lit up, indicating an incoming notification. As I opened it, the phone slipped from my hand and fell to the floor. I picked it up, and the iPhone screen seemed fine, and everything appeared okay. But what happened next was even more shocking.

Smoking and Catching Fire

Smoking and Catching Fire

I smelled something burning, and my iPhone felt extremely hot, and then the screen went blank. I quickly looked for a screwdriver to open it, but the screws were of a non-standard type, making it difficult to find the right tool. After some time, I managed to open it and immediately disconnected all the connectors I could see. Inside, I found the battery had caught fire. I wasn’t sure if it could be fixed by simply replacing the battery.

My Currently Condition


Now, I no longer have a smartphone to use. I’m very sad and regretful about what happened. Please wish me luck so I can get a new one soon.